Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sarah's Essay Number 12

Sarah Shourds

English 09

Hamilton Salsich

February 17 2009

An Indescribable Passion:
An Essay on Music
Living without music would be like living without a family- you would have no way to unleash your dreams and no way of letting out your emotions. Although many people see music to be loud noises that teenagers like to listen to very loudly, music is a sensation that is indescribable. Caliban, a monstrous creature that lurks on the island with no destiny and is always being watched, sees music as "sweet airs" and thinks of it as a place to hide from all of it. Music can help mask your feelings and help you escape, and Caliban and I use music throughout our daily lives.
TS Being enclosed on an island surrounded by a vast sea makes Caliban crazy, and there is only one thing that can take his mind off of everything- "the sounds and sweet airs" that also surround him on the island. SD In this small yet deep passage, we learn that this creature, who was once labeled as a selfish, inconsiderate monster, actually has emotions. CM We learn that when he listens to music, he feels as if " a thousand twangling instruments [...] hum about [his] ears". CM We learn that this so-called "monster" truly has a passion for music, and that music lets him dream his harsh nights away. SD You would assume that Caliban has no dreams or passion of any sort, but if you look deeper, he most certainly does. CM His passion is let out through the soft tunes of music [Short Sentence]. CM With the simple tap of a drum, or simple tune flowing out of ones lips, Caliban can erase the harsh words thrust upon him, and dream he's living in success and has all of the riches. SD Caliban is still confined, but in this sense, it's not bad. CM Whether the music is natural or not, it imprisons him in a dream, and when he wakes, he "crie[s] to dream again" [Compound Complex]. CM Caliban has lived in a life full of hate and dishonesty, and is constantly worrying about his reputation his parents had thrown onto him. CS Music is an unknown sensation to Caliban, and when he hears any sort of rhythm, he's taken into a whole other world.

TS As a free spirited and diligent girl, I would not like put myself in Caliban's shoes- I would like to be as free as a song [Appositive]. SD As much as I would hate to be secluded on an abandoned island and be so bottled up with emotions like Caliban, we both share some qualities. CM First of all, both Caliban and I listen to music to let our soul wander free, and let our mind dream to its full potential. CM When I listen to music, may it be natural or may it be some pop star rambling on the radio, it releases my emotions and makes me feel as if I'm on a cloud. SD I also use music as an escape from the real world. CM Listening to one loud song can help peel away my sorrows and help me feel better, whereas listening to an up-beat song can make me dance, and can turn any of my moods up-side-down. CM When I listen to any song that has a catchy tune or jumpy melody, I feel as free as a song. CM Almost like I could do anything [Short Sentence]. SD If there was no music in the world, no one would be able to survive. CM Music is played all around the world, and can bring many different cultures together; there are many types and many styles that are played throughout the entire world [Compound Complex]. CS Music sets us free, brings us joy and lets us dream a new tomorrow, and no one could live without it [Parallel Preposition].
No matter what music may sound like, it sets off a little sense of freedom in everybody. Like Caliban, I have a passion for music and when I hear the "twangling instruments" or " [a] hum about [my] ears," I can't help but dance and feel overjoyed. A person, such as Caliban, may come off as a heartless and selfish person that has no dreams or passions under his/her belt, but little may you know, that person may have a passion for music. A passion for freedom, a passion for uniqueness and a passion for themselves.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Dear Sarah-
I loved your essay! I could tell you really understood the assignment and you did a great job describing how music affects you. However, I do have a few suggestions. In the second sentence of your intro paragraph you say "many people see music to be loud noises that teenagers like to listen to very loudly." You might want to try rewriting this part of the sentence so you only use the word loud once, which I think will help it flow better. Also, your short sentence is actually a sentence fragment, so you may want to fix that. Good luck polishing!