Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sarah's Essay Number 12

TS Being enclosed on an island surrounded by a vast sea makes Caliban crazy, and there is only one thing that can take his mind off of everything- "the sounds and sweet airs" that also surround him on the island. SD In this small yet deep passage, we learn that this creature, who was once labeled as a selfish, inconsiterat monster, actually has emotions. CM We learn that when he listens to music, he feels as if " a thousand twangling instruments [...] hum about [his] ears". CM We learn that this so-called "monster" truly has a passion for music, and that music lets him dream his harsh nights away. SD You would assume that Caliban has no dreams or passion of any sort, but if you look deeper, he most certainly does. CM His passion is let out through the soft tunes of music [Short Sentence]. CM With the simple tap of a drum, or simple tune flowing out of ones lips, Caliban can erase the harsh words thrust upon him, and dream he's living in success and has all of the riches. SD Caliban is still confined, but in this sense, it's not bad. CM Whether the music is natural or not, it imprisons him in a dream, and when he wakes, he "crie[s] to dream again" [Compound Complex]. CM Caliban has lived in a life full of hate and dishonesty, and is constantly worrying about his reputation his parents had thrown onto him. CS Music is an unknown sensation to Caliban, and when he hears any sort of rhythym, he's taken into a whole other world.

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