Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ceilie's Essay #13

Ceilie Moore
Mr. Salsich
English 9
February 23rd, 2009
Music’s Subtle Influence:
An Essay on the Way Music Affects People

1. Music is everywhere. 2. It’s in the streets as the taxi cabs honk in a harmonious rhythm, it appears after sunrise as the morning birds welcome the new day in a chorus of chirps, and it lurks underneath the ocean’s waves as the marine creatures dance and sing in their aquatic habitat. (Three consecutive prepositional phrases) 3. Music hums in our ears every day and whether we realize it or not, it affects the way we act and feel. 4. These melodic symphonies can affect anyone at any time, even a haggard monster such as Caliban in William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”

TS Imprisoned on this secluded island, a creature as dark and cruel as Caliban should be hateful of all beings and things. (Appositive noun) SD You would assume he has no passion, no drive that keeps him going, but in fact he does. CM This passion is ordinary, found in anyone from average pedestrian to a famed celebrity. CM He has this hidden intrigue with music and all its components, along with the ecstasy it gives him to hear the sweet note of his favorite piece. SD Music affects Caliban in multiple ways and these effects give way to let us see the true human that is under his dark layer of ghastliness. CM One way music affects Caliban is that it gives him a sense of sheer tranquility. (Short sentence) CM “[The sound of] twangling instruments will hum about [my] ear [s], and […] make me sleep”, states Caliban. CM3 By this, Caliban means that as he listens to his music, he is in such a peaceful mindset that he often falls asleep. SD Another more important affect music has on Caliban is that it takes him into this dream world that he yearns to live in. CM Caliban says, “In dreaming the clouds methought would open and show riches ready to drop upon me”. CM Caliban has lived a horrible life since the day he was born, trapped on this island and carrying around the reputation that his malicious parents gave him. CM3 But with the chime of an instrument and hum of a voice, Caliban gets to erase all the wrongs in his life and drown them out with dreams of wealth, success and love. CS Caliban is seen as this horrible creature that lurks around the island, sulking and sinning his way through life, but what we don’t see is the serene Caliban, who only needs a song to become the inspired human that he is.

TS Music is one of the most ambiguous elements in the world. SD Depending on the style and the person listening to it, music can affect different people in different ways. CM A sweet melody of an old song one once freely danced to can bring an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia to the listener. CM The listener could also be dealing with a personal problem and use music as a vent; they could both listen to a song that relates to their tough situation or even write their own tune that expresses their inner pain. (Compound-complex sentence) SD Music has many effects on me, but in the end, the strength or meaning of the song mixed with my current state of mind determines the overall impact it has on me. CM For example, if I am listening to a hushed melody with soothing lyrics, I, much like Caliban, fall into a state of serenity. CM Or if I am feeling sad or enraged, I don’t turn on an upbeat ditty that masks all my problems, but a sorrowful or angry song that has lyrics that relate to my current emotions. SD The other way music affects me that it gives me motivation to change something, whether it is someone else’s life or my own, I feel inspired. CM The song can be about something as personal as the singer’s experience as a young child growing up on the wrong side of the tracks and making it to stardom, or a topic as reoccurring and immense as solving world hunger. CM Whichever sad story the musician chooses to tell through their song, the underlying message sinks into my brain and keeps me constantly thinking about how lucky I am to be living the way I do and how I should use my fortune to help those who aren’t as blessed. CS Music has this power to elevate my mood, simmer it down and match it perfectly, but as it does this, it also subconsciously gives me this glint of inspiration to help someone or something in need.

1. Music is a universal interest that comes in a variety of tempos, tones and purpose. 2. Music is sad, it is joyful, it is evocative, it is powerful. 3. It has the strength to tear one’s eyes and the words to put one’s anxiety to sleep. 4. With every note, strum, syllable and chord, music affects us in ways any other element of life cannot.


Lydia said...

Dear Ceilie-
Spectacular essay! Your introductory paragraph was excellent. However, this sentence,' “[The sound of] twangling instruments will hum about [his] ear, and sometime[s] [the] voices[…] will make me sleep”, states Caliban,' is a little confusing to me. In the quote, you changed one word to his and then later it says me. Perhaps you could use this quote to be integrated into the sentence instead of saying that Caliban said it. Also, in your compound complex sentence, I think you need a colon after vent. I hope you are having fun in Boston!

Timmy said...

Your essay was majestic. I really liked your use of three consecutive parallel prepositional phrases because it started off your essay in a powerful way. Oppositely, I have a couple of suggestions for you. Your appositive noun seems to be a participle phrase, which you may want to change. Also, in the first CM of the second body paragraph, you don't need a comma after "to" because there is no introductory element. Good luck!

Sarah Shourds said...

Nice essay! I agree with Lydia- your opening paragraph was excellent!A few suggestions- in this sentence, "Music is sad, it is joyful, it is evocative, it is powerfu," at the end I think you should add an and before "it is powerful." Also, you may want to look over your writing tools. Very nice job!