Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lydia's Essay 14

Lydia Schulz
Mr. H. Salsich
9 English
February 26, 2009
One World:
An Essay on Virtues and Our Brave New World

        We all wish that one day, our world could be a cooperative, peaceful planet. We all wish that one day, the world’s leaders would decide that all of their wars have been fought. We all wish that one day, everyone would lay down their weapons and erase all hate and violence. Though the characters in “The Tempest” found this peace, the people of this world still have a long way to go until we reach this total cooperation.
        Though they went through strife and fighting throughout the play, the characters in “The Tempest” finally reconcile their differences and learn to live together peacefully. One of the most important factors in this settlement was Prospero forgiving his brother, Antonio. Ariel was the one who convinced Prospero to forgive his brother, telling him that he should take pity on his brother (Participle phrase/Loose sentence). Referring to his feelings becoming tender if he beheld Antonio and his crew, Ariel says, “Mine would, sir, were I human.” (Quote) Another key part of the reconciliation (FAST/SAT) was Miranda marrying Ferdinand. This brought the two parties together. Ferdinand and Miranda’s love for each other seemed to calm the waters between the enemies and made them realize that though they hate each other, they are still family. And of course, Caliban drops his cold demeanor and decides to seek forgiveness for his wrongdoings. He realizes that alcohol does not help him and he would do better to forget it. When Prospero frees him, he wants to “seek for grace” (Quote) and become less bitter. After all this, we can assume that the characters realized that it is sometimes better to forget about the bad deeds that have been done and instead try to start over.
        If we want our world to become a brave new world, we need to make some changes and follow three key virtues. The first is acceptance. If we are ever going to improve the world we live in, we need to learn to accept other people, opinions, and ideas (Periodic sentence). We are all unique, and we need to accept that we all have different ideas and outlooks that, if combined in the right way, can help us to make new discoveries and help us to collaborate (FAST/SAT)(purposeful repetition). In addition, we will need to be purposeful in our work. It is great to discuss possibilities, but putting them to action is another matter. If we want to make changes, we have to set our minds to the task at hand and work with diligence (FAST/SAT). Finally, if we are to advance and become a better, more peaceful world, we can never lose our wonder. Important discoveries are made by the people who dare to ask “what if,” and we can never lose this quality. If we did not want to learn, our society would crumble. Our world will never be perfect, but if we work together, we can come close.
         Everyone knows that there are problems in this world. There always have been and, though it pains me to say it, there probably always will be. However, this is not to say that our planet is doomed to continue in a downward spiral until the bitter end. Everyone can do something to help pick up the pieces, and if we all pitch in, we can make a tremendous impact.

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