Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Timmy's Essay 14

Timmy O’Brien
Mr. Salsich
English 9
24 February 2009

Brave New Worlds:
An Essay on the changes in “The Tempest” and our World

        There are many dreadful things happening in the world today. People are hated for their beliefs, others are killed for the same reason, and others still live in fear that someone will find them and kill them or worse. Oppositely, other worlds have been changed for the better, such as the island in “The Tempest”. Many things have changed for the better to allow the isle to attain such happiness, and if we were to change our world in similar ways, we would need to live by at least three principal virtues.
        On page 93, Miranda says that she lives in a “brave new world”, but what has caused this change to happen upon the isle? First, Prospero finally forgave everyone who wronged him. Mainly, Prospero realized that to have anger festering inside him for 12 years wasn’t a good thing. He forgave “the rankest fault” of his brother - stealing his dukedom from him [loose sentence and appositive]. Also, Caliban realized that he didn’t have to follow anyone anymore. He was a slave of Prospero for a long while, and then he met Stephano, who gave him some “celestial ale”. Caliban was entranced and emulated [SAT word] Stephano thinking he was a god, but he gave that up in search of his own self. Finally, Miranda and Ferdinand are going to get married. They have only met three hours before, but they fell madly in love. She sees the world they live in as “brave” and “new” because she finally found someone besides her father that she loves and wants to start her “new” life with. This whole play is about new beginnings, which only leads to a whole new world.
        If we were to make our world “brave” and “new”, we would have to change a few things and take at least three virtues to heart. First, we would have to learn to accept. Without this specific trait, people won’t be able to be themselves and act the way they want to. If they have to hide themselves and try to remain anonymous [SAT word], they can’t help everyone around them be better. Second, we must all learn to forgive for past experiences. Without entering this state of reconciliation [SAT word], we will be unable to work with one another to create our “brave new world”. We must learn that vengeance is never a good thing, and forgiveness is the only way to live life to the fullest. Finally, we must learn to persevere. Unfinished plans, turmoil, and utter uselessness will break out if we cannot follow through [periodic sentence]. We must stay motivated and work towards common and achievable goals. Even though there are many more virtues to follow, this new world would be full of possibilities and happiness.
        In the end, if people tweak a few things in the way they live, the consequences can be enormous. They can be as simple forgiving a deceitful brother or accepting someone for who they are. It could be realizing the alcohol should not be worshipped as a god or learning how to complete a goal. Either way, you must leave your past behind, look towards the future, and reach for the stars.

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