Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sarah's Essay Number 5

1. Do you think re-doing something can help you in any way? 2. Most people think re-reading a book is unnecessary and a waste of time, but for some people, when re-reading a book, they gain new perspectives of the book. 3. I re-read a short story, skimmed for new, and important facts I didn’t notice before, and saw “The Garden Party” in a whole new way [ three action verb]. 4. Re-reading Katherine Mansfield’s, “The Garden Party” made me see the short story in a whole new standpoint.

CM Re-reading “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield has made me look at Laura’s mother in a whole new perspective, and it helped me view the smaller, yet harsh comments the Sheridans make about poor people. SD The most compelling piece evidence about Laura’s mother was on page 10 where Jose and her mother were talking about the death of the man down the street. CM In this discussion Jose asked if it was “completely heartless of [them]” to continue their extravagant party, and her mother ignored the question and gave Jose a new hat. CM Once Jose referred back to the question her mother got irritated and said that just because a man died down the street, they couldn’t “spoil every[one’s] enjoyment”. SD A small comment that stood out to me was when Laura was explaining the “very smoke coming out of [the poor people’s] chimney was [even] poverty-stricken.” CM It is very harsh of her to compare even the slightest of things against the people that aren’t as fortunate as her. CM I also thought it was very ironic because she was just saying how they shouldn’t hold the garden party anymore because of the poor people down the street. SD Another small quote that captured my attention was how she called all of the workmen, “workmen” and the cook, “cook”. CM I think she called them just that because they were of a different class than she. CM For example, when she was eating her bread and butter, not only did she think it was rude to eat in front of them, but also because they probably don’t have such exquisite meals. CS Re-reading has made me look at the short-story in a whole new perspective. CS2 At first I thought re-reading was pointless, but now I see the advantages you can gain from it.

1. Reading a book for the first time is always a marvelous experience, but re-reading can give you the full-on experience you truly wanted. 2. While re-reading “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield, I noticed things about Laura’s mother that I never noticed before. 3. I now know that Laura and her mother both secretly, and harshly speak about the poor people down the street- I had never noticed that before. 4. By reading a story for the second time, you can gain more than you would think, and it could change your entire view on the book, or the characters themselves.

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