Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ceilie's Essay #5

Ceilie Moore
Mr. Salsich
9 English
November 5th, 2008
The Second Story:
An Essay On The Benefits Of Re-Reading Books
1. Most people have a love for one special story that they find it necessary to read the book over and over, never getting tired of reliving their favorite story. 2. Now would you ever think to reread a book you didn’t like in the first place? 3. Would you think that you would learn something new about the story and see it in a different light, or just loose even more interest in the book after reading it a second time through? 4. After reading Katherine Mansfield’s, "A Garden Party", for a second time, I got an opportunity to see the story a way I didn’t see it before.
TS As I was reading this famous, yet in my eyes, tedious, story that I had not appreciated the first time I had read it, I noticed new things that I had never been brought to my attention before. (Three-action sentence) SD For one, I realized an important interaction Laura has with some workmen in the beginning scene. CM In the scene, Laura is given the decision to choose where the workmen get to pitch the marquee in the backyard. CM I found it interesting how she assumed the workmen were lower class and felt uncomfortable being around them, but as she studied them, she realized they were “extraordinarily nice” and regretted feeling so self-conscious around them. SD Another thing I noticed that I hadn’t before was the conversation Laura has with her mother after the dead man was discovered in the street. CM Laura confides in her mother, questioning whether or not to cancel the garden party because this poor man has died and it was almost inconsiderate to continue with the gathering. CM As Laura says this, I never realized that her mother responds to the suggestion by basically blaming her daughter for trying to ruin everyone’s fun, then places a pretty hat on her head and shoos her along. SD One last thing I observed as I re-read this story was the positive reaction Laura has as she visits the dead man’s home. CM As she watches the deceased man in his bed, she doesn’t see him as a dead person, but more of “sleeping[…] soundly […][and] peaceful”. CM She sees him as a lucky, unknowing of the struggles she goes through with picking out the perfect party decorations and sitting through hours of social events. CS In the end, I am glad I re-read this story because it shows how observant you really need to be to truly understand a story and appreciate it to its full potential.
1. We have all re-read a favorite book, but have you ever re-read one you didn't like in the first place? 2. The idea of doing such a thing would never cross my mind, but after actually doing it, I got a much better understanding of the book that I re-read. 3. By seriously absorbing the information in the story, "The Garden Party", many details that were not brought to my attention before, were noticed during my second round of reading. 4. So don't set down a book after reading it the first time, but instead read it again, hopefully you'll benefit from the story the second time around. 

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