Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lydia's essay 5

Lydia Schulz
Mr. H. Salsich
English 9
5 November 2008

It’s The Details That Count
An Essay on Rereading “The Garden Party”

With the exception of things necessary to living, people don’t repeat a lot of their actions. You might think “I’ve already done that, why would I do it again?” but this view certainly does not apply to all things. For example, rereading a book or story can give you a much better understanding of it. This was definitely the case when I reread “The Garden Party,” by Katherine Mansfield because it helped me see the details I hadn’t noticed before.

TS: When I reread “The Garden Party”, I noticed many things I had skimmed over before. SD: The main part I became aware of was how influenced Laura is by her mother. CM: Mrs. Sheridan told Laura how beautiful she looked in the hat and then when Laura mentioned the man who had died, her mother told her she was being absurd. CM: When Laura sees herself in the hat, she starts to think “Is mother right?” SD: Laura then starts to think that maybe she is being extravagant. CM: Maybe she, Laura, who helped plan the party, oversaw the placement of the marquee, and felt compassionate toward the man who died, was being extravagant. CM: Once she thought this, “she hoped her mother was right,” and as if this settled the matter, she went to join the party. SD: Another thing I noticed was how opposed Jose was to the idea of calling of the party. CM: Jose was utterly astonished when Laura suggested that they stop everything. CM: When Jose remarked, “if you’re going to stop a band playing every time someone has an accident you’ll lead a very strenuous life,” I was surprised by how seriously annoyed she was. CS: Rereading “The Garden Party” definitely improved my understanding of the story.

Though many people may not think much of the idea of rereading, I found it immensely helpful. If I hadn’t reread the story, there would be so many aspects of the theme I would have missed. Of course, I have reread certain favorite books of mine, but I never thought of doing it with a story like this. I am glad I got to read “The Garden Party” again, even for just the details.

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