Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Friday, December 12, 2008

Timmy's Essay 9

Timmy O’Brien
Mr. Salsich
English 9
12 September 2008

Past Regrets and Future Plans;
An Essay on my Past and Future

        1. As you live your life, you make decisions that lead to one another. 2. Eventually, all the decisions lead to one outcome. 3. This result could be jovial (FAST), but it could also be depressing, so you must figure out how to make future decisions better. 4. In my life, I have made decisions that I have come to regret, but then I made other decisions to help me better myself in the future.
        TS During my life, I have made many mistakes that I regret. SD My main regret is not being present for my grandfather’s death. CM At the time, I was in Canada watching lacrosse to my heart’s content while many other people were surrounding his deathbed waiting for his time to come. CM I feel as though I should have been there helping him along with the rest of my family into his next phase. SD Something else I regret is regretting itself. CM Even though I have made mistakes in my past, I don’t want to think about them for too long. CM If I do focus on the past a lot, I could miss the opportunity currently being presented to me and have more to regret later. CS Right now I regret events that have passed, but I must learn to pass my regrets (chiasmus).
        TS Oppositely, I have made some plans to prevent making as many regrettable mistakes. SD First of all, I plan on trying to keep in touch with the world more. CM I should still focus on my current task, but always keep my ears open too. CM In other words, whatever I’m working on matters most, but other things can still have weight in my life at that time. SD Along those lines, I want to focus in the moment. CM I want myself to understand that now is the time that matters. CM For example, when playing in a lacrosse game in the springtime, I want to focus on the moment of that game instead of after-game snacks, that night’s homework, or even the next day. CS With these ideas in mind I, planning in the moment, will be able to accomplish tasks with more vigor (FAST) and efficiency (S-V split participle).
        1. For now, all I have to realize is that things happen, and when they do I have to let them go. 2. The past doesn’t matter as much as the future, and the future doesn’t matter nearly as much as the present. 3. If for some reason I end up focusing on either of the two, I could miss an opportune moment and have more to regret later. 4. Now all I have to do is somehow keep myself in the present – away from the past and future, and it will truly be a gift.

What do I like best about my essay?
    One thing I really like about my essay is that it seems to be under one big "umbrella". I think it stays on topic pretty well and focuses on the work to be done.
What was the hardest part of this assignment for me?
    The hardest part of this assignment was finding an example of chiasmus to use. Nothing really seemed to fit and I had to think a lot about the one I used.
  Graphic Organizer:
Main Point: Regrets and Plans
-Regrets don't need to be in your life
-They are in mine and i have to power through them
1st body
-Not being present for my Grandfather's death
-I regret regretting, not necessary, the present matters
2nd Body
-Stay in touch with the world, keep my eyes and ears open to everything
-Focus on the moment, now matters more than before or after
-What is gone is gone, let it be
-Try not to regret

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