Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ceilie's Essay #9

Ceilie Moore
Mr. Salsich
English 9
December 15th, 2008
Living in Regret:
   An Essay On What I Wish I Could've Done

Regret is something that haunts us every single day. There is no way to change it and no way to get rid of its constant taunting in your ears, unless you could magically turn back time and undo what you now regret. If only before we acted, or didn’t act, we could realize that we all make our fair share of errors, but our errors are also what make us, us. (Chiasmus)

TS People often regret living too much into a moment and doing something spontaneous that they wish they hadn’t. SD For me, I feel exactly the opposite and wish I could do something without thinking it through once in a while. CM When the situation to do something fun and unplanned presents itself, I am often up for the risk, or at least the idea of it. CM Once the impulsive idea is put into motion, I fail to comply and simply stand by to watch all my friends have the times of their lives as they take this chance. SD To avoid feeling such regret in the future, I just have to teach myself that taking risks are a part of life. CM If no one ever dared to take a chance, we would be living our lives with no new revelations, no groundbreaking strides and no historic moments in our textbooks. CM Life barely ever follows the schedule we like to plan it in, and at one point the only thing we can do is take the chances we need to take to get life back on the course we want it to be on.

TS Another past regret I have is not being independent enough. SD Looking back on my previous actions, I realize I have been too dependent on the company of others and not enough on myself. CM I have always been a little hesitant to do things on my own and honestly, I cannot pin point an exact reason to be nervous about such a thing. CM Maybe it’s the possibility of something going wrong, and a lonely me, flying solo, wouldn’t be able to handle a situation like that by myself. (S-V Split) CM3 Or it could be just the natural idea that independence coincides with maturity and adulthood, something that makes most children uneasy. SD To avoid this behavior in the future, I again have to do one simple thing, be aware that being on my own is a good thing. CM Proving that I can do something without my hand being held the whole way through can only show how capable of a person I am. CM Whether I like it or not, I will eventually need to break free, so by putting it off, I am only letting the pain it will ultimately cause me grow more and more agonizing. CS As the band ZOX says in one of their songs, “You have to leave the ground to learn to fly”, meaning I have to slowly ease myself into a life of independence if I ever want to accomplish something that requires such self-reliance.

I regret many things that I have and haven’t done in the past, but those regrets are a part of life and will probably never go away. When in a state of pure remorse, I also have to remember that my past mistakes make me who I am. The fact that I didn’t take enough risks only proves that I am a responsible and cautious person, and my lack of independence only paves a new path for me to walk down in the future.

Self Assessment
What Do I Like Best About My Essay?
I especially like my introductory paragraph. I feel that in just three sentences it sums up exactly what my essay is about.

What Was The Hardest Part About The Assignment For Me?
I thought the writing tools that were required were definitely the hardest part. Both of these writing tools are brand new things that I just learned and having to take them right out of a textbook and apply it to my writing was difficult.

Graphic Organizer
Topic: Regretting not taking enough risks, not being independent

SD: I regret not taking enough chances
CM: Never lived in the moment
CM: Nervous I might regret what I did, but found myself regretting not doing it
SD: Just live life in the moment
CM: Life isn’t always planned out
CM: Risks can result in something good

SD: Regret not being independent enough
CM: Felt scared to do something on my own
CM: Wanted someone to always be there in case something went wrong
SD: Don’t be scared of being on your own
CM: At one point you have to break free
CM: Why not do it sooner than later

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