Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Timmy's Essay 8

Timmy O’Brien
Mr. Salsich
English 9
4 December 2008

An Attempted Revelation:
An Essay About a Passage

When someone is trying to prevent you from taking part in a behavior, what do they do? Sometimes a simple “No!” does the job, but other times a different approach must be taken. On occasion, people will resort to scare tactics. In this passage, Jacob Marley tries to scare Scrooge into doing the right thing.
TS In this section of the reading, Marley tries to scare Scrooge in two major ways. SD The first one was when Marley went into a lot of detail about his chain. CM He said he made it “link by link, and yard by yard; [he] girded it on of [his] own free will…is its pattern strange to you?” CM This was where Scrooge started to realize that he was forging a chain to wear, and he would soon wear the chain he forged [chiasmus]. SD The other way he scared Scrooge was by saying, “[I am] doomed to wander through the world […] and witness what [I] cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness!” CM In other words, Marley told Scrooge that he only had a limited amount of time on this earth, and he had to enjoy what he had while he could. CM When Scrooge dies, all his chances of happiness will be destroyed. CS All he will be able to do is watch others be happy.
After hearing this speech, Scrooge is faced with a decision. Marley tells him that 3 spirits will be visiting him soon, and he can welcome them, abandon them, or ignore them completely [purposeful repetition]. Scrooge knows what is waiting for him in the after-life, and can no longer deny that he is living the wrong life. Now he must decide whether to change his ways, or be burdened with the fetters of his business – mankind.

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