Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sarahs Essay #9

Hamilton Salsich
English 09
Sarah Shourds
15 December 2008

No Regrets For Me:
An essay on my life regrets, and what I'd like to change in the future

Everything happens for a reason, whether its good or not. No one should live with any regrets, weighing down their "chain", because everything happens for a reason. In, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Scrooge, a cold hearted man, is conveniently taken back to his past, and sees many things he wishes he could change [SV SPLIT]. If I had the equipment to pause my life,look at the past, I would not do so because I simply have no regrets.

TS Having a regret is like having a chain pulling at your ankle's everyday, and everyone has at least one. SD If I could get a hold of a life remote, and rewind to two years ago when my grandfather passed away, I would. CM I would've liked to get to know him better, get to have quality time with him and I would've liked to know the side of him that my mother knew. CM If I had accomplished these simple tasks before death ever so rudely took him, I think I would have had a better understanding of him and I would have appreciated life more. SD When my grandfather died, my family had a very hard time coping with his death. CM I regret not having the courage to withstand my aunts and uncles at the time. CM I think if I could have concurred my fears and helped my aunts and uncles through the rough time, I could have made it less harder on them. CM I would've talked with them about the good times they had with my Grampey Bell, and i would've been there so that they could vent off their steam. CS Regrets are a harsh thing to have, and can make a person do crazy things. CS2 All you need to learn to do is let go of them, and learn to move on, like I had to do when my grandfather died.
TS Gaining trust from your peers is a strength that most people toil [FAST] with. SD I try and try everyday to gain respect and trust from my friends, but being a truthful friend doesn't always have the same sensation as having a friend to laugh with. CM Learning the hard way, the truth can hurt. CM Not all people know and respect the truth, but in the long run, people will thank you. SD In my future, I hope to gain trust from every single person I know, and every person I know hopes to trust me at one point in their life [CHIASMUS]. CM I have had a history of not keeping secrets, and basically having a big mouth, but I want that all to change. CM I want people to come to me for advice, or come to me when they have dyer gossip they need to spill, or come to me first when they're feeling blue. CS I am trying to be a more truthful and trusting person, because in the end, it will all pay off.

Having a chain constantly tugging at your ankles, and knowing that a lot of people can't trust you, are two big mishaps in my life. I am trying to be more honest and trustworthy, and I am also trying to not regret anything in my life, but these are two huge steps that I must take one at a time. I believe that being truthful is a key aspect in any persons life, and although it may hurt others, it will help in the long run, starting with earning trust from your fellow peers.

Graphic Organizer
Main Idea: Regrets in My Life
- don't have any regrets
- if I could change anything, probably would be getting to know my grandfather more before he died
-we didn't get much time to bond
- wish I could have known more about him

Main Idea- change (or a few) you hope to make in the future
- "trust"
- I am working on keeping secrets better
- Try and not tell one person because then a chain reaction occurs, which is not good
-Trust is a key ingredient in a persons life


What Do I Like Best About My Essay? I think that this essay in particular had a nice flow to it. I think I stayed on topic and under the "umbrella" for the most part, and I am very proud of it.
What Was The Hardest Part About The Assignment For Me? The hardest part of the assignment for me was tryingt o fit in chiasmus. I have some difficulties, not neccessarily writing the chiasmus, but placing it in its rightful place.
My Grade: B

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