Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Sunday, April 5, 2009

March 5 2009
On the Plane:
A paragraph on what I’ve seen, felt and heard so far
During the international studies program so far, I’ve seen, heard and felt many emotions. The main emotion that hit me the hardest was taking off. Hearing the roar of the engine, watching the planes take off and feeling my stomach drop as we drifted upward into the vast sky, was the worst feeling in the word. Every nerve in my body was shot, and I’m already dreading the landing process. Another strong emotion that hit me at 2 A.M. this morning was hearing my fellow classmates laugh and talk. Kyle and I, laughing uncontrollably were so extremely tired this morning. I think we may have been the loudest on the bus, but hearing the quiet murmur of our class made me realize that we indeed were going to England. The last emotion that has struck me fairly hard was seeing my parents fade into the darkness as the bus pulled of Pine Point. Knowing that I will eventually see them again calms me, but seeing them for the last time was hard. Watching my moms camera flash flicker in the dark, seeing her tears stream down her face, and watching our plane take off, are all tough things I’ve had to go through today. All of these feelings are simply memories now, and I’m excited to venture of into England in a few hours and make more memories.

Day 2- Finally in England March 6 2009
The water trickles down the green cement block and splatters into the pond. The bubbling and splashing ring quietly in my ear along with birds chirping. The sun bathes across Lydia, Eleanor and Olivia as their minds wander off into a descriptive world. An annoying pair of men walk by, talking and laughing as loud as they wish, and the breeze suddenly starts to chill me now. The water, still rippling, looks cold and murky. The curious hippo peeks its eyes out from the cold water and looks at me. I hear children speaking in foreign languages, and our classmates giggling. The sky is flawless- not a cloud in sight. The grass sparkled almost like there were little diamonds sprinkled all over. The garden is beautifully outlined with diligent students hard at work.
Today was a very long day. We visited Dickenson’s house and we got a nice tour through his old village. After we toured his house, we were able to go outside and “chill”- this is where Kyle and I had our mini photo shoot. We posed on the elegant fences, the checkered walkways and hung from trees. After all of the walking, we had about ten minutes in the subway. As we were waiting for our stop, I tried sketching a man, but it was very difficult. The “tube” was shaking and once it was smooth again, my model had left me. I’m looking forward to the picture gallery and maybe we’ll eat in another pub like the Kings Arm earlier.

Day 4- Today we went to a flea market full of colors and many cultures. I went shopping with Caroline, Hannah and Julie, but Hannah and I were so intrigued with the clothing that we all sort of dispersed in our own directions. Hannah bought a gorgeous blue dress, topped with pearls, and I bought a very chic dress that was lined with buttons all down the sides. After we had our fun at the flea market, we walked to a curry house. The restaurant was filled with all sorts of spicy smells, but the food was not all too pleasant. Then we continued our journey to the Tower of London, where we met a long lost friend, Tom Wheeler. It was so invigorating seeing him for the first time in four years, and he still even looks the same! Next we went to the National Portrait Gallery, where we had to say our final goodbyes to Tom.

Day 5- Today we ventured to the famous Globe Theater. We took an hour workshop in which we had to come out of our shells and take that further step into Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Being able to step into the shoes of a character in the play, made the play so much more realistic to me, and made me understand even more deeply about the plot. In the workshop, we had to choose either a low class, middle class or high class person to act as. A good number of people in the class chose to be high class, either because they knew how to act like it or they just didn’t want to venture of into another world that may have made them feel uncomfortable. I chose to act in the middle class, but I think I should’ve tried to act in the lower class, and really break through my shell of shyness. Today we also went to the Ceremony of the Keys. This experience put me in awe- the theme for our ISP trip. I think it’s amazing that they’ve followed this tradition for so many years, and it was unbelievable how serious they all were. Everyone stood around watching in silence, and in great awe as the man trotted by with dignity The Tower was, once again, locked and secured and we went back to the hostel to rest.

Day 6- Now I am sitting in a classroom- a classroom engraved with students names from over one thousand years ago. Sitting in this classroom gives me such a vibe, a presence that is unbelievable. I look out the window to see the light blue sky that is covered by a shield of clouds, and think, what if a person two thousand years ago was doing the same thing I was doing now? Wondering the very future of this aging classroom, wondering the possibilities, wondering why the sky is so dark and gloomy.

Day 7-
Live as if no one cares,As if no one was labeling you, As if no one knew.Never let yourself wearThe dreaded label – do not share.This label is pointless, so whatever you do,Watch out for it – it’s attached to you.You can wash it, dry it, shake it, tearIt, but it won’t come off. The best thingTo do is ignore it. Let those whoThink it, think it. Let it bringThem enjoyment. But always know,That only you know you. Let your personality ring.Just live your life. Let yourself show.

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