Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ceilie's ISP Writing

Day 2: Practicing Descriptive Writing

As I sit here in this unfamiliar place, I am so aware of my surroundings. The sun glares at me from above, making it hard to see the flawlessly blue sky. The chirps of the birds, the humming of the fountain water and the buzz of the distant voices fill my ears. It is pleasantly chilly, and goosebumps sprout on my arms as the wind softly whispers. My classmates are scattered in this contained area, looking much like the garden across the quaint lawn. 

Day 2:  Reflection on the First Day in London

First days are about getting acquainted with new surroundings, and today we did just that. We got familiar with the physical surroundings as well as the lifestyle that the London inhabitants lead. We first strolled down the paved streets, soaking in the living images we will be seeing for the next ten days. We then got the hang of riding the Tube, England's underground transport system. After experiencing the city's modern day culture, we went back in time to the years of Charles Dickens. We carefully explored his house and studied the artifacts from the 1800's, most of which were Dickens' personal belongings. Today was the day we got acquainted with London and the rest of this trip will be about building a strong bond with it. 

Day 4: Reflection on the Brick Lane Markets

Just walking through the Brick Lane Markets requires all of my senses to be heightened. My eyes see dozens of tents with anything from food to clothing inside. My fingers feel the hand-knitted hats and elegantly detailed dresses, as well as the temptation to grab my wallet and purchase everything I lay eyes on. My nose smells the aromas of the unique cuisine being sold. My ears hear nothing but casual exchanging of words, but not the same type of conversation I hear back home. Every voice has a different way of speaking their vowels and consonants. Each person's statements not only express their feelings and opinions, but their culture and heritage. The way they speak tells listeners where they are from, where they and their ancestors built their lives. The vast variety of accents echoing throughout the market make me aware of how one common exchange of money for goods appeal to such a variety of people. As I stepped into the Brick Lane Markets, my senses were heightened and helped my knowledge of diversity heighten as well. 

Day 5: My Sonnet

Our steps click on the cobblestone
Like they have been doing for days
The streets swerving lines like an unsolvable maze
We are surrounded by the unknown

We feel the cool air and hear the wind moan
Looking at the aged buildings withered into decay
They stand so elegantly, but still complain
About how they are always left so alone

No one walks out nor steps in
The doors stay closed and locked
In the middle of so much and still abandoned

But our traveling ears our blocked
Unable to listen
And the buildings' doors stay closed, never receiving a knock

Day 6: Reflection on Visiting the Globe Theater

It is day number six of the ISP trip and my tired body drags me across a metal bridge, the clunks beneath me each time I take a step. I then manage to stride back in time as I enter The Globe Theater. Information about William Shakespeare surrounds me. The tour guide greets us with a friendly, "Hello", and before I know it, she's rapidly spitting out facts about the history of the theater. Farther and farther back in time I travel as I clump up the wooden stairs and eventually enter the theater like an athlete triumphantly walks into an arena before a game. I sit down and simply gaze in amazement at the replica of the famous site. From the arrangement of the chairs to the detailed paintings on the boxed seats, it is all so real. I envision the actors up on stage, reciting the lines with such charisma. The audience enthralled and royalty occupying the seats made especially for them. I am soon forced to leave the theater as the play is over and I step back into today, still thinking about back then. 

Day 7: Poem About The Trip To Stratford Upon Avon

The scenes race by
And I sit here, watching
My pencil questions what to write
There is so much I could say 
About the day's busy events
About the new things I've seen 
The different things I have heard
But this time is different than the other days 
This is a day 
This is a long moment
To rest
And sit here with my three best friends
As we watch the scenes before us
Race by

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