Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Timmy's Essay 11

Timmy O’Brien
Mr. Salsich
English 9
29 January 2009

Different Similarities:
An Essay About the Similarities Between Ariel and Caliban in a Play

        Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt completely confined? A time where you could do nothing to escape? In the play “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare, two characters are trapped on an island, but in different ways. Ariel the spirit and Caliban the hag-born mutant are different, yet they share an island and a master.
        In this story, Ariel, a spirit of sorts [s-v split appositive], is confined to the island to carry out services for Prospero. For 12 years, he was trapped in a “cloven pine” because of the evil witch Sycorax. When Prospero finally released him with magic, he took him in as a servant. Ariel, although promised with a vacation period, is forced to be Prospero’s slave and carry out his will. He is also confined to the island and chooses not to or cannot leave that space unless specified to do exactly that. For example, Ariel left on Prospero’s whim to invoke [FAST] a storm, sink a ship, and not harm the passengers [3-action verb]. He completes this task, but comes back to Prospero for an unknown reason. Ariel is confined to Prospero’s desire and is a slave to his aspirations.
        Caliban is also trapped on the island to do work for Prospero. His trapping is more understandable because of his inability to fly. Unlike Ariel, he cannot float around; he must walk on his own two feet. He was “got by the devil himself upon thy wicked dam” on this island they all call home. At first, they were friends and Prospero taught Caliban the wonders of language, but Caliban proved inefficient. Being trapped on the island with him now [participle phrase], Caliban has no choice but to carry out slave work for Prospero because of his superiority. If he does not, Prospero can punish him through use of magic – an undesired fate. Caliban is completely and totally trapped in this life of servitude, and all he can do is hate Prospero and wait, wishing to be gone [participle phrase].
        Even though their confinement and servitude were created and exist differently, Ariel and Caliban share some problems. They are both confined to the same island and both serve the same master. Ariel is preferred by the master a bit more than Caliban, but they share a master just the same. It will be interesting to see if they share anything else in future pages of the play.

Graphic Organizer

chunk 1: trapped in a tree, released; then confined by Prospero's will
chunk 2: confined in the island and cannot or does not escape


What am I most proud of in this essay?
I am very proud of the concluding sentence in my first paragraph. I used purposeful repetition and I feel as though it makes the writing better.

What was the hardest part of this assignment for me?
The hardest part of this assignment was trying to find ways in which Ariel and Caliban were confined and serving. To find multiple ways that had a connection was difficult.


Ceilie said...

Awesome job on your essay! I really liked the way you opened your essay with a question. The first sentence really hooked me and got me wanting to read more. I also thought you used your writing tools well and clearly thought them through. One thing that you might want to fix is in the concluding paragraph you say, "Ariel and Cailban share things." The word "things" is very vague and sounds a little informal. Other than that, great work.

Lydia said...

I really liked your essay, especially the opening and closing paragraphs. You also used the special tools really well. I only noticed a few minor issues, one being that you wrote that Ariel was trapped in the pine tree for 24 years when actually it was 12. Also, in the second chunk, you say "the Caliban," maybe it is just a typo. Gleat job!

Sarah Shourds said...

Timmy, Im sorry this comment is a wee bit late, but my computer is dead so I had to go elsewhere and use a different one. I really enjoyed your essay. I thought you used your tools where they needed to be, and they really helped your writing flow nicely. In your second paragraph, you concluding sentence was just a little short. I think if you lengthened it a little more, it would help that paragraph. Also, just make sure you look over your writing and make sure your using the correct names. Nice job overall!

English Literature said...

Really useful one, compact yet packed with important points.Thank You very much for the effort to make the hard one looks so simple. Further, you can access this site to read Compare and Contrast Ariel and Caliban in The Tempest