Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ceilie's Post #11

Ceilie Moore
Mr. Salsich
English 9
February 1st, 2009

The Island Of Confinement:
An Essay On A Shakespeare Play

Imagine living on the same, small stretch of land since the day you were born, being incapable of leaving and forced into slavery to outsiders who have invaded your land. (Participle phrase) You aren’t even allowed to do as you please even though this is technically your land, and if you dare to rebel to your superior, you will be trapped in an tree for ten or so years. This tragic storyline is exactly what happens to two characters in Shakespeare’s play, “The Tempest.”

TS In “The Tempest”, Ariel is a magical slave for Prospero, a man who much like Ariel, has been confined on an island. SD Living on this secluded isle (FAST), Ariel has been trapped and surrounded by water with no way out. (Participle phrase) CM She has lived there for many years, acting as a slave too both Prospero and Sycorax. CM Not only is she imprisoned on this island, but at one point she was cooped up in an oak tree when she refused to comply (FAST) to Sycorax’s orders. SD Ariel is also confined when it comes to her capability to do what she pleases. CM When Prospero beckons for her services, she is obliged to complete the task she is ordered to do. CM For years Ariel has not only been locked up on this jail of an island doing hard labor, but also the punishment of even more confinement if she “refus[es] [any] grand hest” given by her master.

TS Caliban is a character quite opposite from Ariel in many ways, but when it comes to confinement and servitude, the two are very similar. SD Caliban thought of the land as “[his] island” and was therefore native to the area until Prospero arrived. CM He is the son of the evil Sycorax and has been trapped on this isolated island for many years now, much like Ariel.
CM Caliban was also captured and dubbed Prospero’s slave, as was Ariel, but Prospero and Caliban’s relationship is a little different than Ariel and Prospero’s. CM3 For example, Caliban says, “Which thou takest [my island] from me. When thou camest first, thou strokedest me and madest much of me”, meaning when Prospero first arrived on the island, he saw Caliban as a friend, teaching him the wonders of the land and how to use it to his advantage, but then Prospero turned against him, easing him into a life of slavery. SD On a more figurative level, Caliban is also confined in his horrid, ugly body and this image of being a terrible person. CM Caliban is automatically thought of as a wicked person because of his physical attributes and family tree. CM Even though it turns out he is an odious (FAST) being, maybe he wouldn’t be that way if he wasn’t instantly judged as one because he is the spawn of “the devil” and “a dam”. CM3 He is imprisoned in this image and judgment of a horrible creature and probably wouldn’t be as repulsive as he is if he wasn’t brought up by two vicious parents and looked as ghastly as he does. CS In the end, Caliban is restricted both physically and metaphorically and maybe he wouldn’t be the way he is if he wasn’t confined at all.
Confinement is something we all face at one point in our lives, whether we’re in school facing the tedious hours of learning while sitting at a desk or at home, locked in your room and convincing yourself you are dying of boredom. Although this confinement may seem so unbelievably painful at the time, imagine you’re in Ariel or Caliban’s shoes. Imagine you have to face the true definition of confinement, if not a more severe type. They are not only physically confined by the stretch of the ocean serving as a fence to civilization, but also emotionally as they are forced to be slaves to someone who isn’t even native to the land they live on.

Graphic Organizer
Topic: Comparing Ariel Caliban’s confinement
SD: Ariel is physically confined
CM: She is trapped on this island and has been for years
CM: No way to get out, she’s held captive on this secluded island

SD: She is also confined when it comes to her time and work
CM: She was a slave for Caliban and is now a slave for Prospero
CM: “Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee”

SD: Caliban is trapped much like Ariel
CM: Both on the island
CM: Both Prospero’s slaves
SD: Also trapped in this reputation of being a bad person
CM: Is the spawn on “the devil” and “a dam”
CM: Immediately thought of as a bad person because of is upbringing and horrid looks; maybe be better person if he was raised by different people


What Am I Most Proud Of In This Essay?
I am most proud of the use of my writing tools, especially the participle phrases. At first, I didn’t really understand participle phrases, but then I paid a nice visit to Mr. Busboom and learned what they were and how to use them and applied them very nicely to my writing. I also thought my FAST words were well used and will hopefully get me some extra credit.

What Was The Hardest Part Of This Assignment For Me?
I think the hardest part of the assignment was comprehending the story and then writing a four paragraph essay about it. Shakespeare’s writing is very hard to understand and having only two days to go over these pages of the play and then write an essay about them was all around difficult.


Timmy said...

Ceilie, your essay is very good. I particularly liked the beginning of your whole essay. It made me understand what the characters would have felt like. Something to work on is the sentence containing the opener "if you dare rebel to your superior". It is a good sentence, but after that part you should use a comma because of its opening status. Something else I liked was how your last sentence truly tied everything together. Great job and good luck polishing!

Lydia said...

Stellar essay! Your participle opener was excellent and the entire essay flowed nicely. You may want to add a sentence in the opening paragraph, and you are also missing a closing sentence in your paragraph about Ariel. If I were you, I would also do a quick proofread to catch any spelling errors. Other than that, wonderful job!

Sarah Shourds said...

Ceilie, Im sorry this comment is a wee bit late, but my computer is dead so I had to go elsewhere and use a different one. I really enjoyed reading your essay. I liked how you opened up your essay, it really hooked me! In your concluding paragraph i dont think you need a comma after "in school, facing[..]". Overall your essay was very nice, and I liked your fast word "odious". Great Job!