Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ceilie's Essay #4

Ceilie Moore
Mr. Salsich
9 English
October 23rd, 2008
Appreciating Who We Are:
An Essay on Zora Neale Hurston’s Essay and An Appreciation For Myself

1. We all seem to have those moments when we just do not like who we are. 2. Whether we can’t stand the way we look or dislike how we act, accepting ourselves for who we were born to be is a bit of a struggle. 3. But in Zora Neale Hurston’s essay, “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”, it is very difficult to see what she disapproves of in herself. 4. Even if it's hard sometimes, I, much like Hurston, express great contentment with who I am and who I hope to become. 
TS: In her essay, Hurston writes about who she is and where she's from, without the slightest bit of embarrassment or resentfulness (FAST). SD: One thing Hurston especially appreciates about herself is how she is set apart from other people. CM: Hurston explains that she is different from every other person in the world by saying, “I have no race, I am me”. CM: In no way does she try to blend in with other people and she is grateful for what makes her different, because that is what makes her, her. SD: Another thing Hurston greatly appreciates about herself is her background. CM: Being African-American, she is aware of the fact that her ancestors fought for freedom and she is clearly thankful for it, but she also notes that it doesn’t affect how she acts. CM: “Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression in me”, meaning she understands who her relatives were, but it doesn’t define her as a person. SD: One more thing Hurston appreciates about herself is her company. CM: She recognizes the fact that she is a joy to be around, so when someone discriminates against her because of her skin color, it doesn’t offend her as much as it baffles her. CM: “Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company…”, proving she is just surprised that people are depriving themselves of her friendship just because she is black. CS: Overall, Hurston is so strong and so content with herself that nothing can bother her, because she knows and loves who she is, something everyone should learn to do.
TS: After seeing Hurston’s inspirational confidence in herself, it makes me realize the things I appreciate about myself. SD: One thing I really appreciate myself is my ability to laugh. CM: When times have been rough and I should be upset, there’s always something there to keep me going, which is laughter. CM: If I’m having a bad day or an unfortunate event happens (purposeful repetition), I am able to keep my head up high and find something to laugh about, proving I can stay positive in any situation. SD: Another thing I really appreciate about myself is the many ways I express myself. CM: I have a great interest and passion for academics, the arts and athletics, all things that I use for self-expression. CM: Whether I’m in art class, creating a painting, on the playing field, leading the team in warm-ups, or in the classroom, solving math problems, in each area of which I am interested in, I display a different side of myself. SD: The last thing I really appreciate myself is my everlasting potential to grow even more as a person. CM: In the last few years, I feel like I have evolved (FAST) in many different ways including I am more driven, more passionate, more outgoing and overall more confident (purposeful repetition) than I was just a couple of years ago. CM: I think that my capability of growing into as a person is never ending, and there will always be new things and new experiences that will keep me transforming into a better person. CS: In the end, there are still those days when I wish I could be smarter, more talented or better at something, but those moments mean nothing and the great qualities I have certainly outweigh those slight, unimportant things that I can’t and never will be.
1. There will always be things we wish we could change about ourselves, but those desires will fade away in time. 2. I used to be someone who wanted to look different, act differently and overall, be a different person (purposeful repetition), but I soon learned in time that I can’t change who I am and I have to be able to appreciate who I was born to be, which I now can. 3. Zora Neale Hurston is a perfect example of someone who is confident about every aspect of who she is and her essay “How It Feels To Be Colored Me”, she expresses how proud she is to be herself. 4. I feel that everyone should get the chance to appreciate themselves for who they are and live by what Hurston emphasizes (FAST) in her essay, “I am who I am, so what?”


Sarah Shourds said...

Ceilie, nice essay! I truly enjoyed the introductory paragraph- it flowed very nicely. A couple of suggestions though, such as in one of your purposeful repetions you said "a unfortunate" when I think you ment "an unfortunate." Also, in your last sentence of your introductory paragraph I think you should add something about appreciating yuorself, just to sum up the thesis a little more. Overall your paragraph flowed very nicely, and all of your FAST words seemed apt. Good work!

Timmy said...

Ceilie, congratulations on a great essay! You start of the piece with an "umbrella", and everything really fits into it nicely. Something I would suggest hanging is the word "content" in the opening paragraph because I think you meant to say contentment. Another thing is that the first sentence in the second paragraph is missing a word, don't forget to check over your work before posting. In the end, you produced a very good essay for this assignment.

Lydia said...

Ceilie, very nice essay. like Sarah, i thought your intro paragraph was very direct and stated your thesis well. however, may i suggest a few changes to your first body paragraph.in the topic sentence, the second "who she is" seems a little unnecessary and confusing. also,when you say "she in no way" it sounds a little awkward. other than that, everything seemed good.

Sarah Shourds said...

Just a reminder, don't forget to label your essays
