Welcome to four ninth grade Pine Point students blog! We will be posting essays, poems and all sorts of English related things on this blog.


Ceilie, Timmy, Lydia, Sarah

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sarah: Essay 1

Sarah Mariah Shourds
Mr. Hamilton Salsich
English 9
15 September 2008
Opposite's Attract:
An Essay About Relating a Poem and a Quote
Life is one of the most difficult tasks in life that we must achieve day after day. But why ask your life long questions now? Why even think about the future when you have other issues your more concerned about? These are the questions people ask day in and day out, when really people should just take advice from the famous German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, and not "search for the answers," because, "then you will not be able to live them." Or you could think of life as Abraham Lincoln did and just say, "the future comes one day at a time." Rilke wants people to not revolve around the question- to let the question be solved on its own. [Loose Sentence] Abraham wants people to live to the fullest- "one day at a time." You could always live life to the fullest and answer your life long question during that like Rilke and Lincoln did, or you could just answer your question and live every day the same as the last- your choice. [Loose Sentence]
Lincoln and Rilke both believe that a person should live life to the fullest, and that you should never try to answer any questions too fast. Rilke believes that if you live your life to the fullest, that in time your unanswered question will be answered whether you know it or not. He thinks that if you try to live your life too fast, that not only will your
answers not be answered, but you would not understand "the foreign language" that your life has revolved around. He seems to be saying that if you leave the question alone, like a furocious [Fast] beast, then the beast would become more serene and the question would become more worthy of answering. Lincoln takes on a similiar aproach in his quote. It seems he thinks that no matter how scary things can be in the future, that "[t]he best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." He wants people to not be afraid of what is coming, but to think of it in their own, optimistic way. These two quotes are similiar because they both encounter the meaning of life, and to not live it as only "one day at a time." If the your answer is not found within, then why even ask the question? In order to ask the question, you have to live through it first, and think of the future not in such a scary matter, but as the answer unfolding inside. You may not even know when your question is answered, and when you don't, it means your living your life to the fullest, which Rilke believes everyone should do. No matter how different these two quotes may be, they compare and contrast in so many ways that it's easy to relate them. Either way, both think that living life to the fullest is key when trying to answer your question.
TS Individually, each of the quotes could be interpreted in many different ways. SD Lincolns quote, "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time," could mean to not worry about the future, and always live like you were dying. CM The future "comes one day at a time" and if you worry about that one day, it might not come in the usual cycle. CM Worrying takes up too much energy, and there really is no point in worrying about the future. SD Rilke's quote, "Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you won't be able to live them," on the other hand, could basically mean if you search for the answers for anything and never give up, you may never get the answer you had wished for. CM Spending too much time probing [Fast] for an answer could not only be a waste of time, but not as much of an in-depth answer as you could've gotten if you had just waited for the answer to come to you. CM When it's the right time, and place, the answer will come to you- whether you know it or not [Loose Sentence]. SD When you combime these two quotes together, you get a very passionate and true passage, such as this- "Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because the best thing about the future is that comes one day at a time." CM This quote could simply mean nothing to you, but when you piece it apart, it makes total sense. CM It's basically stating to not worry about living life, just remember that you live it "one day at a time". CS Don't be heartbroken if when you search for your life long, unanswered question and you don't discover anything. CS2 Just remember that you answer that question "one day at a time".
Both of these quotes make two valid statements such as living life to the fullest. Both quotes relate in numerous ways, and when put together, make a statement that is so powerful and invincable, [Fast] it makes you want to re-think about what your unanswered question truely is. Lincoln and Rilke have two different ways of reaching out to people and letting them know that you only get one life. When combined, the quote could sound like this: " Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."


Ceilie said...

I really enjoyed your essay. I liked that you referred to the quotes very often and used them very well in your essay. Two things that I would work on would maybe be the first paragraph. There are just a few errors and confusing statements that were a little unclear as I was reading. Also, the yellow coloring on the FAST words made it kind of hard to read. But overall i really liked reading your piece of writing.

Sarah Shourds said...

If a change in my essay is necessary, then go ahead and change it. Just please make sure you notify me about the change you made and why.



Timmy said...

I greatly enjoyed your essay. I liked how you interpreted the Lincoln quote to mean that you should live life like you are dying. I noticed that your opening paragraph was 5 sentences and that you had no indents between paragraphs, so it was a bit confusing to read. I also saw that the FAST word ferocious was spelled wrong, so you should try to spellcheck you writing before you post it.

Lydia said...

i thought your essay was very well written. the second loose sentence you had was especially good. it was interesting to see how you and timmy both related the questions to a wild animal. i changed a couple words to red, the first one i think you meant to say questions and the second one because the word doesnt really seem to fit. also your opening paragraph seemed a little long, you could probably condence some of the sentences. other than that i really liked your essay